lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019


In the eagerness of every day, 
entertaining in the pending to solve, 
to guide, 
or to orient, 
we glimpse the difficulties that we always find to move, 
the positive vision, 
and tolerant; 
(the one that keeps the peace and the hope in the society of each epoch, 
and that leads to the necessary knowledge, 
acquired by others in the past). 
And yet, 
each one has its own path already plotted, 
its perception already consolidated, 
almost immovable; 
a pre-established itinerary 
that they cannot ignore 
and that seem 
destined to travel to understand 
and dissolve what seem insurmountable obstacles that, 
others, settled in their lives 
- (perhaps capriciously, or moved by resentment 
or rivalry 
or Antagonism 
or simple envy) - 
- and they accepted them by taking them for truth -
forcing to make a path, more arduous, 
more complex, 
more difficult, 
but to overcome
 it will put them in the best possible conditions 
to observe life; 
And from there, 
to make your best dreams: 
Perform the "Task they came to Make this World ", 
prepayment of the rate they impose, 
those that are "usually lost " 
or those seeking that  
"Everyone in your environment " 
are always  "Lost" 
(we are recognized society Inita)-
- and perhaps fearing to be vulnerable or less-
-or perhaps seeing themselves as having to answer for  
"have been" blind  
"or intentionally contributed to undeserved evils in strangers-
- they refused 
and made their own flaws 
or pride, 
arrogance and... 
even lust
as loyalty and generosity.

And from there, 
they build their lives 
(even by "cornering" anyone who could tell them) 
It Seems to be the Law of this World 
to perceive the weaknesses of our Human Condition. 
Tolerance seeks to recognize and accept 
them from there to turn them into 
a personal and social 
challenge that would lead us 
to the best Knowledge. 
(at least those who are willing to observe society and its people as part of ourselves

Perhaps the world is always the same, 
when we talk about the Human Condition; 
from that condition we can go back 
to any Historical past and come 
to understand it. 
There were Always antagonisms willing to impose a vision 
to the detriment of another. 
Through the Human Condition we can approach to  "see " the past and its consequences. 
It is from that Human Condition 
where we can approach that "all-Seeing Eye "
 to which nothing can be "hidden"...
an impassible 
and truthful 
witness that can be shown, 
at the most inopportune 

It Seems the Law of this World 
to perceive the weaknesses of our Human Condition 
(above all in others) 
but also to overcome them. 
Conceiving ourselves  "One " 
(and the same possible One
is a symbol for our society, 
our community 
and our daily coexistence.
 If after the achievement 
of visualizing that we can be all One 
overcome fears becomes,
- before the first serious adversity, 
which has allowed 
us to see that we are all subject to the Human Condition 
without anyone being saved from it by pedigree or singular purity-
we returned, 
against the different, 
retaking prejudices, 
departing the path, 
towards what is loomed as the best Promised Land possible; 
then they could return the ghosts of the past 
(return to rivalries, 
retake antagonisms, 
take as offense the just yearning for respect 
and from there reuse any form 
of violence repeating the tragedies 
of the past and seeing in other responsibilities 
that were also ours. 
We Will not be able to speak, 
of the existence 
of true generosity, 
or sincere understanding, 
or sense of Humanity, 
for all of them shall be seen as consent when abundance prevails 
or benefits self interest; 
not true knowledge of the Human Condition, 
of the faith and hope that should always be found in every act.
and fear pave the way for injustice. 
Our young people would end up condemned in any other, 
or future, 
and chilling trench of war; 
in what has been the common way of resolving the differences 
and adversities 
or the particular interests 
between nations 
of all time.
They would do It in the name of Peace,
 prosperity, freedom... 
although in reality they would always be the same and endless
of blood that the innocents perform as "scapegoats" 
of the sins that the elders did 
not want or feared to recognize 
(or simply because it is a sacrifice in which all the "Veterans " of life make a profit:
or simply flee from one's own conscience and responsibility itself, 
from their own sins, 
that we never consent to others or that we always 
censure in other people's proceeding, 
and that, the wise life, 
dares, last and Ironically, 
to show us, 
that it was also our sins 
(or those of our ancestors or relatives as if the victims could persecute the descendants-incommodeing families - 
through the years, 
and even centuries: 
claiming justice and peace for murders, 
false testimonies about innocents, 
vendettas in the midst of social conflicts or wars, 
people sent to prison or confinement for material gain or particular... 
anyone may feel sorry 
or overwhelmed if he or she knew that a parent has been a war criminal 
or because of his 
or her biased statement that people are shot or sentenced to punishment or exclusion and jail; 
And yet it suffices 
to know that 
our society came 
to a Civil War
to feel a deep disappointment 
about our biggest 
who did not know or wanted 
to avoid it. 
And also,
 in European democracies 
where culture and tolerance prevailed, 
it was transformed by presenting barbarism 
as a reference 
of purity and virtues 
that ended up destroying 
the European continent 
with blood 
and injustices. 
Although the selfishness 
or materialism of our days 
does not contemplate it, 
all this is part of our own present task; 
of our particular and general Historical Memory
- that we should approach united so that it could never be repeated again -
of which usually, 
and by the traumatic, 
one tries to flee, 
to displace, 
to reject 
or to ignore 
or to believe surpassed 
and own of the past)

Perhaps now you think that getting here was easy and already done; 
that the advance of History is immovable,
 and rights and tolerance are bound, 
for obvious reasons, 
(yet, probably, they were constituted "paths " so that among all, cure  these, 
our sins, 
and those of all who preceded us, 
in thousands of years of civilization, through compassion). 
Even so, 
there may be people who do not seem very much,
 to others even wrong, 
who think contaminated by many errors. 
and yet it is inevitable path transversal 
(and even mystical: as proof of material and strength of spirit, principles 
and personal values, 
which must be common-one day-to our societies; 
to be, 
once and for all, 
above those who sow distrust, 
 as one who seeks to point to others… 
as guilty; 
guilty that the World is not as perfect as perfect dwells in his ignorant mind full of ungodliness,
and false Gods
who love money, power or sex). 
It was to be hoped that those who think that in a Union,
 when Democracy 
is identified with Transparency, 
have much to Lose, 
and seek to come out quickly from such a project; 
even those who live from corruption in their own countries or nations seek singularities, 
in reasons of a nationalist 
or cultural nature 
(obviously to evade controls that verify the real "Honesty "  "What do you take, or will you want Carry, without declaring, whose fate must be the common good? ")
that is why the symbol expresses, essentially: 
Unity and coexistence in Peace.
 I Hope we do not have to remember 
and yearn in the future 
for not having 
valued it in the present.

        I Know they copy my works and projects; Even this poetic reflection can be copied by some infamous. The unfortunate thing is that they also do it who says to respect the legality and to be veterans of the democracy. Also, I now see in the news of my country that the generals of the reserve-which even served in the UN or EU missions-are designated as candidates in a party that craves francoism (it seems that they never believed in democracy).
           Perhaps we have never really surpassed it-perhaps because some have always distrusted democracy (even being in key positions of the State) and others because they do not know, or do not want, to accompany the adversaries to a "common place" of sincere encounter and the Recognition of common guilt (at least implicitly and publicly; because this is what most people, who wanted our transition, are seeing); It seems that there will always be, in each place, characters willing to spread the rancor, generation after generation... And therefore survives a daily guilt (product of ignorance or bad faith) or historical (of the ancestors). Thus, the daily guilt (product of ignorance or bad faith) or historical (of the ancestors) finds refuge in ideologies that promote the confrontation with which to justify and to cover the own sins (sins that allow them to continue in the path of the damage, the Abuse and injustice to the innocent).
               That'S why I'm now beginning to translate my writings into english - with a Google translator - hoping to preserve them more effectively; Looking at whether it is possible to find, among all, the path of true honesty (which shows the face of cheaters-conspirators against freedom, the rights of each person and against true democracy) that recognizes the merit of each and does not attribute it to the first unscrupulous and reckless person who, from positions of power, takes the effort of others. That is what we mean by democracy the common people. The solutions - if they come -always come slowly, (because when we complain we become visible) while the cheats feed on our efforts and, at the same time, they protect themselves

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